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Safeguarding information about our school.

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is of paramount importance and is everyone’s responsibility. All correct safeguarding procedures are followed with regard to the recruitment of staff. All staff are trained in safeguarding. All volunteers are DBS checked before they can help in school. 

For further safeguarding information, please visit our Policies page. 

Headteacher Name:  Tracy Musgrove
Telephone: 01914878641
Designated safeguarding lead (DSL)
Deputy designated safeguarding leads 
Designated safeguarding lead Name:  Tracy Musgrove
Telephone:  0191 4878641
Deputy Head Teacher Name:  Leanne Dixon
Telephone: 0191 4878641
Admin Manager Name: Lisa McAtominey
Telephone: 0191 4878641
Governors – for safeguarding Chair of Governors Name:  Rob Appleby
Telephone: 0191 4878641
Link Safeguarding Governor Name:  Rob Appleby
Telephone: 0191 4878641 

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Updated | 26th January, 2024 |

Latest News

Colour Wheels

Today, year 3 learned about the colour wheel. We mixed primary colours to make secondary colours. Then mixed the primary and secondary colours to make tertiary colours. Fantastic painting and mixing.

Making Sandwiches

Reception have been making their own sandwiches. They were able to use the knives to spread the butter and cut their sandwiches in half. They needed to choose a filling and the best part was eating them up, afterwards.

Harvest in Music

Year 1 are learning about harvest in music lessons this half term. We love learning new songs and some of us have even had a try at playing the guitar!
